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ZOOM/October 8:00pm EDT "Feel to Create" 3-Session Series

Wed, Oct 06


Zoom Webinar Workshop

[5:00 PDT/8:00 EDT] Join this Feel Your Art Studio online series! You will be supported to link your feelings to colors, invite your Intuition and make space for the Creativity you were born with! NO Art Experience needed! Fee: Donation or free (if you need it to be!)

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ZOOM/October 8:00pm EDT "Feel to Create" 3-Session Series
ZOOM/October 8:00pm EDT "Feel to Create" 3-Session Series

Time & Location

Oct 06, 2021, 8:00 PM EDT – Oct 20, 2021, 9:30 PM EDT

Zoom Webinar Workshop

About the Event

Each week Wednesday (10/6, 10/13 & 10/20) there will be a 1.5 hour  Zoom session beginning at:

     5:00 pm PDT

     6:00 pm MDT

     7:00 pm CDT

     8:00 pm EDT

We will use "Art as Process" to make an open space for you to create!  You will be supported to connect to your curiousity,  let go of  *the rules,* & listen for the still, small voice inside, also known as your Intution.  Often people won't  step into this space because they worry the voice of the Critic might appear...  you know, the one that says things like, " This isn't how I want it to be!  I can't get it right!  Why can't I do that better?  That looks ugly/weird/wrong! " 

My role is as a Facilitator is to:

*Make a Safe Space for your still, small voice (Intuition)

*Support & Strengthen your Connection to your Intuition

*Help you identify any Critical Voice that may arise

The Supported Process will include:


*Welcoming your Intuition

*Facilitated Art Process

*Personal Check-In

*Deep Listening 

*Reflection (with option to Share Your Experiences)


Additional practices of mindfulness, movement & journaling may also be integrated.  

NO ART EXPERIENCE is needed as you will be focused on the process and not the product!  If you can paint like a 3-year old, then this process is for you.  For those of you who may identify as an artist, letting go of what you know to find more creative freedom will be available!  NO art will be shared during this process.  

To Have Ready:

*A place where you will not be disturbed during these times 

*Your computer & adequate internet connection 

*Please silence your phone/technology

*A comfortable chair or stool

*Paper & pen or pencil

Also Grab a: 

*Container of Water (for rinsing)

*Old towel/washcloth or papertowels

*Plate or plastic tray to hold/mix paint (palette works if you have one)

ART Supplies:

*Kid's paint:  acrylic or tempera  (with a minimum of:  red, yellow, blue, white,  black)



*Sponge wedges (make-up sponges)

*Paper you already have, whether pulled from your printer or lined school paper.  

If you have the resources, a heavier mixed-media paper or canvases would be helpful.

Locate items at Michael's/AC Moore/Target or use links below to order from Amazon:

Wedges for $3.47


Acrylic:  12 Paints & 3 Paintbrushes (0.4 fl oz each) for $6.99

Acrylic: 15 Paints & 3 Paintbrushes   (0.4 fl oz each) for $8.99

More Paint:

Tempera: 12 Paints (2 fl oz each) for $16.99

Splurge! : 

Tempera+Glitter(!):   8 Paints + Paintbrushes + Heavy Paper + Palette for $24.95

FEE?:  I usually charge $60 for a series like this.  However, as we each are in a different financial situation,  I welcome a donation in any amount that suits yours  (Lisa Hahnlen: PayPal (personal) or Venmo) .  If you need the money to purchase materials, please skip the donation for this first series and I hope you'll join me again.  

Commitment:  Regardless of what you do/don't pay, I strongly encourage you to SHOW UP EACH TIME unless you have communicated with me ahead of time.  Your attendance impacts the cohesion of the group and has a direct impact on the collective work.  Thank you in advance for your committment to the group and to your creative process!

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Hey, I'm Lisa!

 I love helping people connect

with their innate creativity!


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